Category Archives: Languages

Programming Languages

A Bit More on Compiler Environments

Rather than a single “Environment” type, a compiler distinguishes between compile-time and run-time environments.

In an interpreter, the value of a symbol is the result of looking it up in the current environment. That lookup process involves traversing the environment, frame by frame, until the symbol is found and the associated value is retrieved. The interpreter’s environment is constructed at run-time by closures extending a previous environment with bindings of formal to actual arguments.

A compiler can’t know the values of variables at compile time. It can however, determine the location those variables will have in the environment at run-time. A compiler will perform lexical analysis of code analagous to evaluation. It passes and (when entering a closure) extends a compile-time environment that contains only the symbols, not their values. When it comes across a variable access it looks up the symbol in the compile time environment and replaces the variable with its address in the environment (i.e.three frames back, two variables in).

At run time that data can rapidly be retrieved from the run-time environment (which contains only the data) without any laborious traversal and comparison.

That gives us three classes and a dumb data object for the location (all of this is pseudocode)

  1. A compile-time environment
  2. A run-time environment:
  3. And of course a terminating Null object for the CTE

Extenders for the CTE and RTE take arrays of symbols and values respectively, otherwise they are just the same as interpreter extend() methods.

An Abstract Machine

Another recent idea I’ve had is to build a compiler for a pscheme-like language (different syntax, extended functionality) that would target an abstract machine much as Java does (I know Java calls it a “Virtual Machine” but that’s an accident of history since Java originally targeted a real CPU and the replacement machine was a “virtualisation” of that.) I started looking at Parrot, but Parrot has built-in support for a single continuation only, and would make a second “failure” continuation doubly difficult to implement.

So I started thinking about building my own. The real joy of this is that I can prototype it in a high-level language like Perl, then re-write it into something fast like C or C++ later. I actually have a (mostly) working version in Perl for PScheme that runs about seven times faster than the interpreter, but it has issues.

Anyway I think the basic ideas are sound. In an interpreter a closure is a function plus an environment. In a compiled language that’s even simpler, a “function” is just a machine address, so a closure is a pair of addresses: address of environment on the heap and address of machine instruction in the core. A Success Continuation on the other hand has a lot more context. It contains the return address and the old environment, but also must restore any temporary variables, along with the previous continuation that will be returned to later. Finally a Failure continuation is a complete reset. It does not preserve any data when it is invoked, but completely restores the Abstract machine to a previous state.

So without further ado, here’s my abstract machine:

My Abstract Machine

is just an integer index into the machine code table.
is the address of the current run-time environment (the compiler has pre-determined the locations of the data in the environment, the run time environment contains only the data.)
would point to an array or linked list of actual arguments to a closure, before they are bound into an environment. They constitute the nearest lexical scope once inside the closure.
points at the most recent Continuation.
is just an arbitrarily sized array of temporary registers, their utility is questionable as there is no efficiency saving as there would be for a real CPU, but it makes the model closer to a standard compilation target.
points at the most recent Failure continuation.
is where a return value is passed to a Continuation.

Usefully, the different subcomponents (Closure, Continuation and Failure) are all contiguous, so invoking any of them is just a singlememcpy() from the stored object (on the heap) to the “cpu”. I don’t know if this is just blind luck or something deeper.

For each subcomponent there would be two abstract machine instructions: one to set up a new structure and one to invoke it. Specifically:

create_closure(PC, ENV)
create a new closure object (and put it in TEMPS somewhere)
memcpy(&AM, AM.TEMPS[n], sizeof(struct closure))
allocate a new continuation struct, copy the relevant components of the AM into it, assign the PC to it directly, pointAM.CONT at the new continuation.
memcpy(&AM, AM.CONT, sizeof(struct continuation))
completely analagous to Continuation above.

So the plan is:

  1. Write the Abstract Machine in C or C++.
  2. Write an interpreter for the new language in Perl.
  3. Write a compiler for the new language in itself.
  4. Run the interpreted compiler on its own source code to produce bytecode for the compiler.
  5. Compile the compiler again using the bytecode compiler and diff the bytecodes: any difference is a problem.
  6. World domination.

So far, I have a parser and a partial interpreter for a new language called “F-Natural”: If you think of ML but with real Unification, backtracking and a javasript-like syntax you will get the basic idea. I’m still a long way from world domination but we live in hope. I may post some code here later.

A Programming Language in a Picture

Recently I’ve been thinking about how best to describe a really simple language so that the reader can just “get it” in one go. As you probably know I’m quite fond of UML and this is what I’ve come up with:

Language in UML

I’d hope that this diagram stands alone, but for the impatient I’ll describe it.

You can see that the implementation breaks down into three primary groups of classes: Syntax structures, Environment and Operations. The environment is the simplest and the best thing to look at first. You can see an abstract base class Env with concrete Frame and Empty subclasses. The Env class provides one concrete method: extend() which takes a dictionary (hash, or whatever) as argument and creates and returns a new Frame containing that dictionary and a parent pointer to the original environment. The Frame and Empty subclasses supply a lookup() method which, for the empty env just errors. For a non empty env it either looks up the symbol in the dictionary or calls lookup() on its parent, passing it the symbol.

The Syntax group of classes all inherit from a common abstract Exp base class that declares one abstract method: eval(env), that they all must implement. A Constantevaluates to itself. A Symbol looks itself up in the argument environment. A Conditional evaluates the test then either evaluates the consequent or the alternative.Function declarations evaluate by creating a new Closure object passing it the body and formal arguments to the function, along with the current environment.Application of an operation involves evaluating the operation expression in the current environment, evaluating the argument expressions in the current environment, then calling the resulting operations apply() method on the resulting evaluated arguments. Note that in that eval is sort of Curried: the argument env is explicit, but the map supplies the objects whose eval methods are to be called.

Lastly, Operations themselves share an abstract Op base class with an abstract apply() method. An Op is either a Primitive or a Closure. The implementation of the primitive apply() is just an implementation detail, however the implementation of the Closure‘s apply() ties the whole thing up:

  1. Extend the captured environment (the one passed to new()) binding the formal arguments (passed to new()) to the actual arguments (passed to apply()).
  2. Evaluate the body of the closure in that new environment.

That’s about as simple as I can make it.