A Slightly Non-Standard Application

Here’s an application of code generation that doesn’t fit the standard Enterprise Application mold: here I’m using code generation to build a class heirarchy for abstract syntax trees.

The idea is pretty simple. An abstract syntax tree is a tree containing the results of parsing a programming language. Nodes of the tree could be function calls, operator application or control flow constructs, and the leaves of the tree would be comstants and variables. Of course these trees cannot be constructed arbitrarily, it doesn’t often make sense to add an integer to a record for example, so the constructors for the nodes need to declare (or, in an untyped language, type-check) their arguments. Each node will furthermore need accessors and probably an accept() method for the Visitor pattern, so that is a substantial amount of boiler-plate code for something that is easily describeable at a very high level.

Here’s a snapshot of the AST definition from F♮:

This is a high level but complete description of the required classes, all of the details of implementation are merely repetitive, which makes it a perfect candidate for code generation.

So, given this description, and a couple of command-line options to cover class prefixes etc., my treebuilder (tbd) will generate all of the classes required. For example, here’s the generated class definition for Expr If(Expr test, Sequence consequent, Sequence alternative):

The point of all this is to be able to use these constructors directly in a yapp or similar grammar file. Here’s a snippet of these generated classes in action:

One of the visitors over the resulting tree is a rewriting visitor that converts some abstract syntax to simpler forms so that there are fewer constructs that need to be dealt with later on. Here’s the visitor routine that converts If abstract syntax to a function call:

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